25th December

HO FUCKING HO HO, Christmas day in Afghanistan what a lick, I think it was a good day, well as good as it could have been out here. We had a mega Christmas dinner cooked in a mortar tin!, opened presents, spoke to family, shot the shit with the lads oh and staged on.

Made me realize just how lucky we are really, how we can have so much and be able to miss so much, and the locals round here have so little and get by. Like when I see the kid’s every day go to the Neb to fill up water for the day, and hand plough the field’s till night fall, made me realize that the most important thing in this world is not what you get for Christmas, if it’s the new x-box or clothes or whatever, but it’s who you spend it with, if it be family or a bunch of the best blokes I’ve ever served with in my life, I’ll always remember my Christmas of 2010 and never forget cooking a whole chicken in a fucking ammo tin oven.