21st December

4 day’s until Christmas now hmmmmmm. So just got back off patrol, went into M1T and took one of the puppies and give her away to C33, poor dog will probably have no tail or ears next time we see her. Oh I forgot to mention, that shit Op we did on the 9th we adopted 3 puppies from CP Karaman, Bines, Socks and Stewie, we gave Stewie away, little fucker of the litter. We pushed a hell of a lot further south through M1T today than we ever have, and all the locals were really happy to see us.

They came out talked freely and genuinely seemed happy to see us, which was weird because in previous patrols, bar the mullah, people just bugged out so maybe the Taliban have left the area? It just seems to be going all quiet all of a sudden, it’s hard to gauge which way the tours going to go, whether it’s going to stay this way or if it’s going to kick off massively. Personally, I think this place is a ticking time bomb, because all of the different areas, M1T, M1P, M1Z, M1W are all changing on a daily basis so who knows? I guess we’ll find out tomorrow as we are pushing into M1P to Recce a route for the 23rd a deliberate OP is being made as we haven’t been re-supped in a while and need re stocking and re arming.

Apparently this Op is going to last 10 hours! As we are the screening patrol to the north, I think screening is code for bait!